When it comes to your business taxes, it can be hard to know what you need to record to substantiate your claims at tax time. It’s so easy to forget things or, worse still, simply not know that you can claim a certain expense. From large purchases like machinery and rent to those numerous small purchases and subscriptions that soon mount up. Make sure you’re on the same page as the ATO. Download one of our interactive checklists.
Tax checklists for you and your business
Contact Us Today to Discuss Your Small Business Tax Returns
Some of our checklists are pretty comprehensive but don’t worry, we really don’t expect you to fill them in perfectly. Just use them as a guide or simply to help job your memory.
If you’re not sure about something on a checklist but it rings a bell, simply ask your Etax Local accountant. Not all items will be relevant to you or your business so we’re always happy to clarify everything before we start your tax return.
Use our checklists simply as a reference or check off items as you go.
Company Checklist

Tax checklist for recording business expenses and income.
Partnership Checklist

Tax checklist for recording Partnership expenses and income.
Trust Checklist

Tax checklist for recording business expenses and income.
SMSf Checklist

Tax checklist for recording Self Managed Super Fund expenses and income.
Sole Trader Checklist

Sole trader financial statement checklist.
Individual Checklist

Personal tax checklist for recording complex expenses and income (investments etc.).
BAS Checklist

BAS Checklist for recording business expenses and income.